Hey it's nice to meet you all I've been eyeing this website for a little while to I decided to finally make a account. My favorite anime as the name suggests is Attack on Titan though I wish the name Tatakae wasn't already taken because now I look like I misspelled a meme. My favorite beys are dual spinning balance types, for some reason I've always had this pull to beys like Spriggan and Diabolos. My favorite bey is probably Master Diabolos because of the design and gimmick and how it is betrayed in the anime. Besides Master Diabolos my two other favorites are Lord Spriggan and Helios Volcano due to for the same exact reasons.
Due this I created a combo that is probably my favorite combo I ever made. I grabbed the blue master ring and put it with the blue lord chip and gave the layer wheel and zone'+z. It may be outclassed now but it will still be my favorite combo.
Due this I created a combo that is probably my favorite combo I ever made. I grabbed the blue master ring and put it with the blue lord chip and gave the layer wheel and zone'+z. It may be outclassed now but it will still be my favorite combo.