Hey Guys!

Hey everyone I'm new here. I was recently going through some of my old things and i found some of my old beyblades, and wondered if that sort of toy was still on the market. In the past i had contributed a large sum of my allowance to this on going game and after a while i lost interest. Now that i look back i remember just how fun this was and i kinda wanted to get back into it so, here i am!
Yes, there is a new series in Japan right now that will launch worldwide next year. Smile

welcome, like beybrad said, a new series of beyblade has just begun, so you really couldnt have picked a better time to join! (ok, maybe next Fall MIGHT be better seeing as thats the american release for the new series)
Welcome to the WBO. Smile
Thanks guys, ya i heard about the metal fusion thing, sounds pretty cool
Welcome to the WBO!