Hey Guys

Hi my name is jason and thats just about it i used to collect beyblades before when i was like 9 but ten years later my younger cousin got me back into beyblades and they are alot better than the older ones. I currently have basalt, meteo, gravity, hell kerbecs, screw capricorn, galaxy pegasus, rock giraffe, and ray unicorno and i am going to order the Meteo l drago Ultimate Reshuffle Set as soon as dimsum2u gets back to me. I live in the USA also um any suggestions on meteo l drago combos? and what do you think is the best seller for USA buyers (takara beys, fast shipping, great prices) thanks guys.
Welcome to the WBO Read the rules
Ok thank you phoenix i posted my questions where they belonged
(Sep. 08, 2011  12:43 AM)JMoney27 Wrote: Ok thank you phoenix i posted my questions where they belonged

Your welcome any thing to help.
Hm, Meteo?:

MF Meteo L-Drago 100RF

That's a nice one, and welcome!
Welcome to the WBO! hope you enjoy the forum