
Hey I am New Here Thank You For Have Me Here
Welcome Everyone
And I come From California And I Am Top Best BeyBlades
Thank You I Hope Everyone Give Me Warm Welcome
And Remember What Make BeyBlade Strong Is BeyBlades Spirit
Got It Ok
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You should avoid posting such huge pictures as wallpapers, especially when they are irrelevant to the discussion.
Welcome Blader,

........a beyblade's spirit?

Well anyways, Enjoy WBO Smile
hey whats up "Beyblade spirit man" u say ur the top beyblader at california well im top in conneticut or i won against everyone i know so there is more out there id love to battle u though see whos better.
Awesome, another CA person Smile Welcome to the site! (by the way, don't claim you're the top since you haven't battled everyone yet! Tongue_out_wink )
whats up? where in california do you live?
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