Help building my 5 bey deck.

As the title says, I could do with a hand with a bring 5 ban 2 deck. I have a rough idea for a couple of my choices but haven't 100% settled on anything. I've had previous success in tournaments with my Shark Edge 3-60 point and my Cobalt Dragoon 1-60 Elevate so am most likely going to include them. I'm not the keenest on using decks full of "meta" combos and would prefer to use rogue/sleeper picks, have been testing trying to utilise the down smash on wyvern and building an aggro sphinx but have not been able to land on much consistent.
Thanks for any help.

I have all parts available excluding:
Aero Pegasus
Draciel Shield
Driger Slash
Hell's Hammer
Knight Mail
Phoenix Feather
Tyranno Beat
Weiss Tiger


Bound Spike
Disc Ball
Can get parts if essential for building.
Dran dagger 5-60 high taper
Dran sword 3-80 rush

Thanos 4-60 gear flat and Phoenix wing 960 flat
So here is a method I use
Real vs Others
Combo vs Others
Then when you have a good combo that can win against your best beyblade use that combo just make sure it isn't banned
Also Horn Rhino 5-60 Free ball and Lance Knight with 4-80 (I think) with ball