Hello to bladers here on WBO

Poll: What is a better beyblade type

All of em!
Total: 100% 5 vote(s)
Hey bladers from around the universe and in WBO,

My name is Daniel (don't tell the outsiders please)

I am 10 years old ( still kiddish :3 )

I live in Philippines

I am currently at Al Ain, UAE


I have never joined a tournament even a non-WBO tournement

I beyblade with my friends every Thursdays (which is our last school day)

I pretty know my bey parts such as D125 T125 145 ES WD and stuffs like that...

I help my friends when there is something wrong with their beys. I make them
shine, I put glue on the performance tip that is very broken apart, and we even
create ONLY defense type beyblades together in case there is a tournament from
hasbro I guess....


Whenever you want some information about me guys, I am happy to help you when
times I am available.

3...2...1... LET IT RIP!

(PS I wanna know how to host a battle or a tournament)
Welcome to the WBO! Just let me no if there is anything you need help with XD
I just wanna know how to host a tournament or a battle.
Hey guys! I stuck up a poll there to help me what kind of beyblade am I gonna make. Please answer the poll as fast as possible
First you'd have to give it a name, location(City,State,Country), Time, Date, At least 8 Confirmed Attendents, And Admission Price(If you it applies to you)
Then you have to give all of that info to Kai-V. This is called an Event Porposal. If it's get's granted, then your all set!

Hope That Helped
You'll Have to Create A Post Under Event Proposals