Hello WBO!

Hi, my name is Arda. I'm from Turkey and Yugi Jyudai (Sarp) has introduced me to this website. I have no experience in beyblade but thanks to Sarp, I will now be involved in the Beyblade world.

I like to play my guitar or piano as a hobby and I'm also into computer games. I'm experienced in managing forums as i'm the administrator of our guild in WoW.

Nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the WBO. Smile
Welcome! Glad you've joined. Smile

I am Sarps beybrother from another mother
I am ze impulsive french and sarp ze impulsive turkishGrin
wonder if you are as impulsive as me and Yugi are... hahaha
anyways welcome=)
ull have fun here
Hello, dear friend.

I'm really happy to see you on the Bey-Community, at last.
Our current project is going steady, and I'm happy with its progress so far (Turkish Beywiki).

Hope you enjoy your stay during the most difficult school year of our lives. xD

- Sarp

p.s: and yes, Beynval is my Bey-brother from another mother. Grin
Thanks guys. I appriciate your "welcomes." Smile
Welcoem to WBO!
Welcome to the WBO!
Your gonna love it here! Grin
Hi Welcome to WBO! I hope you have fun here!
Check out some MFB articles.
WoW Guild Administrator? Delightful! It certainly is a more impressive title than "Bey-Brother from another mother" Joyful_3

Anyway, welcome and have a passionate and grossely fun day Joyful_3