Hello, Semi-new blader here!

Hello, I'm DocileFang. I used to have a large collection of Beyblades back in the start of the millenium, but I lost most of them when I had to move, and then the town that I was in stopped getting shipments of them. Now that Metal Fusion is back out, I've started to get back into it, I just bought a new Stadium along with, Lightning LDrago 100HF. I hope to get more Beys so I can customize, and create my own beys. Well anyway, I just decided to Introduce myself. I hope to become an active member of this Forum and Learn a lot about Beyblades.

Welcome to the WBO
welcome to the wbo Smile
I enjoy It but the stadium paint adds too much texture for the HF tip and it gets snagged once starts to lose stamina
(Feb. 20, 2011  10:46 PM)DocileFang Wrote: I enjoy It but the stadium paint adds too much texture for the HF tip and it gets snagged once starts to lose stamina

Hasbro paint is cheap and comes off often. You just either have to buy a TT stadium or just try and clean off your beys. It gets really annoying I know. Trust me.

On a more positive note, welcome to the WBO!
Welcome to the WBO.