Hello! (New Member)

Hello! My name is Drago, and i'm sorta new here. I'm a youtube blader called LDrAgOnIsXF, and i've been blading ever since Metal Fusion started. I enjoy blading and I hope, one day, I can participate in a WBO tournament near my location.
welcome to WBO!Smile

WHOA! checked out your youtube channel it's awesome!!!Grin
Hehe Thanks. Smile I have more videos coming soon.
WELCUM to Wbo bro!
Thanks. I'm enjoying the WBO a lot now, more than usual. I'm also getting on everyday. This site has done some big helps for me.
Hey Welcome man! Have fun!
Welcome to the WBO. Read the message sent by Kai-V and Enjoy here!
Smile Thanks you guys. Really enjoying the site.