Hello I am a new dude!

I always came to this web when I needed to know what bey parts were mine. I decided to join today. I have Storm Pegasus, Rock Leon, Gravity Perseus, Galaxy Pegasus, Dark Cancer, Flame Libra, and Flame Sagittrio. All of them are complete Takara Tomy.
I have 3 normal Takara Tomy ripcord launchers and 1 Takara Tomy left and right spin string launcher that came with Gravity Perseus. My favorite bey that I have is Gravity Perseus! My favorite bey that I do not have is Hell Kerbecs. MY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME IS HELL KERBECS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!StupidStupidStupidStupidStupidStupidStupidStupidStupidStupid
Welcome! Nice collection. Hope you have fun. And don't SPAM emocons
Ooooooo A newbie that knows recent Releases!

I do not just have metal fight beyblades bit I have the old engine gear system and I have lego beys!
Welcome to the WBO the nations best site.
Welcome to the WBO.