Hello, Beyblers!

It's nice to meet you all. I'm called Norbert Otter. The pirate otter with a need for spinning speed!Cute
My specialty of usage is balance types. My favorite Bey is Thermal Cancer CH120WD.

I live in the Philippines. We're kinda behind on the Beyblade trend here but I know that there are many other enthusiasts out there!Wink

I also read a lot of manga. It seems that I have gone through thousands of pages of the graphic novel. Sadly, I don't follow the Beyblade manga. Crying

I'm not so well versed at the usage of the older generation of Beys, so I'm kinda limited to the HWS. I'm also enthusiastic for the upcoming 4D system. XD

I hope to make some waves in the Beyblade world. Eee
Welcome fellow Beybler xD. Anyway, Follow the rules, read the PM sent to you by Kai-V(You're first ever PM)
welcome to the WBO

A thread just for you Smile Try to get something going by you so you can rank up on the beypoint system!
Ah! O///O

Thank you very much for recognizing this minor existence. XD

Please take good care of me! >///<