
My name is Mike, I'm 20 and from England.

I used to watch the original beyblade series and had a pretty good collection of blades until around the time HMS came out over here. I had a driger MS, but shortly after they were all thrown out..

Once I found out about MFB it's rekindled my interest in beyblades and I hope to get some soon Smile Just too bad that the originals are so rare now.
Well the origonals aren't exactly rare on ebay lol Joyful_3 Welcome

Being from England, you should have no problem finding tournaments and people to help you at all!
Welcome theres alot of us from england including me you should check out the Regents rumble thread its a tourney and its been postponed so you could go they only need 1 more person anyway.
Welcome to the WBO! Grin
Welcome you are lucky you live in england many tournaments in england
Thanks for all of the welcomes Smile

As for the Regents Tourney, I probably won't be able to make it at this notice and with no blades atm. I'm waiting for a bank statement to come through to confirm my card on Paypal before I can really buy any.

I don't think you need paypal.
When my 2nd card comes (should be soon) i'm buying some.
Welcome to the WBO! Smile