Hell bull bd145 hf and MF-Lightning ldrago upper mode r145 rf

hey ive been doing some testing and here are some results in bb10 takara tomy stadium and btw i took the rubber of the r145
earth bull launched first with light launcher

mf lightning ldrago r145 rf vs
MF-H Earth bull 100 EWD

mf lightning ldrago win percentage 90%

and lld out spon earth bull coz he hit it really hard and eb started banking

Hell bull bd145(normal mode)HF VS
MF-H Earth bull 230 EWD
earth bull win percentage 80%

as you can see hell bull as great amount of stamina so when it semms its going to stop spinnig it wont
if you take the rubber of its illegal and hf has good stamina but nothing like MB or WD OR PD
Why would you take the rubber of of R145? Also why are you testing attack against stamina? Attack is obviously gonna win.