Hell Kerbecs BD145DS Rough Draft

Hell Kerbecs BD145DS is a Stamina-Type Beyblade that appears in the anime and manga series, Beyblade: Metal Masters. It is owned by Damian Hart.

Face Bolt: Kerbecs
The Face depics Cerberous, The 3 Headed Dog.

Energy Ring: Kerbecs Edit
The clear wheel, Kerbecs is the second heaviest Energy Ring. It is also a very nice clear yellow color.

Fusion Wheel: Hell
The Fusion Wheel depicts 3 Dog Heads and also has 50 mm Wheel. The widest size (circumference) of all Fusion Wheels. While most Fusion Wheels have a diameter of 46mm, Hell has a diameter of 50 mm. It has moderate Attack, Defense and Stamina properties.

Spin Track: BD145 (Boost Disk)
The track has 2 modes, one that increases the Attack (normal mode), and the other increases the Stamina(boost mode). The first mode is "Normal Mode" and the second mode is "Boost Mode". It is proven that Boost mode is better because when Normal mode is in use, when it attacks or gets attacked, it hits the arena floor, decreasing the stamina and predicts a perfect loss. As an extra you can take a red crayon and smear it over the BD145 where the text is. This will fill in the letters making them appear clearly. Use a paper towel to brush off any crayon not inside the letters. Rinse the BD145 to get rid of the crayon. This is not nessasary though, because it almost looks like Eygption text, making it impossible to read anything. But in all an amazing track, black and beastly like it was meant to be.

Performance Tip: DS (Defence Sharp)
A wide tip with good Stamina and moderate Defense. It is said that the tip is hollow and looks more like an extremely wide flat sharp that defence. Even when it is used for a long time, the tip provides little to no Attack movements. Great for Defence and Stamina customisations.WD is a better performance tip but DS can still be used.

Other Versions
Hell Kerbecs Blue Inferno Version: Has an EW Performance Tip.

1.When it will be released in the United States and Canada, it is likely that Hasbro will change it's name from Hell to Hades. Many people would know because like the episode "Green Hell" changed to "Green Hades" that is probably going to happen to the "Hell" Fusion Wheel where they will change the name.
2.Hell is the widest wheel avalible and therefore is part of the Maximum Series.
3.Kerbecs represents a demon.
4.Hell is the 2nd heaviest fusion wheel by far (behind Basalt), making Hell a defence type Fusion Wheel.

Overall: Hell works decently for all types. Boost Disk can also be used in defense customs due to it's large size and weight. DS also has some use in stamina. Though most parts are outclassed, every Blader should own at least one of this Beyblade.

I am expecting criticism as this is my first draft.
We already have a draft for this.

Edit: Sorry if I am rude!
not on bey wii. any1is oblised to make a draft
this artical needs alot of work. You should mesion its part of the max series by width. It is top tier for stamina hell kerbrex BD145PD in bost mode. Its the heaviest CW along with bull (apart from l drago but nobody seems to count it. we only needs facts not wipe it with a paper towel. we aren't getting what we need to knoe. BD has to tier uses in defence , especially against low attacker.Its not very formal ect.
Its not on the beywiki, thats why we need a draft.
Legendary 4 is correct. We have another draft for this.
As this draft needs lots of improvement, we have another one which is quite better...
Sorry GaleForce, but try a draft on something else...
Let the user create a draft. The other draft we have has not been edited by the creator in more than two weeks.
Ok ... all the discussion is over here is a suggestion -
In The Hell Article- Hell is the widest wheel to date, sharing its position with Big Bang.
And hell works in any type combo.
Trash. You have to explain the shape of the CW Metal wheel and BD145 and their performance along with suggestive combos. Trivia is idiotic trash, useless and has never been used by beywiki.. Thoroughly explain the bey, and if you do not have it, do not write an article..
I personally think it doesn't matter if you have the bey, considering the fact that if there is good to extensive testing on every part, and if there are other details and pictures, it would be easy to write a draft.

Correct me if I am wrong, which I might be.

Anyway, Gale Force, you should try creating saved drafts and improving it by reading it over and comparing it to other drafts before you post it.
Other Versions
Hell Kerbecs Blue Inferno Version: Has an EW Performance Tip.
its EWD not EW
Yeah, This seriously needs great expanding, It should be ditched as there is a pretty good draft.
(Mar. 19, 2011  4:05 PM)Bey Philosopher Wrote: I personally think it doesn't matter if you have the bey, considering the fact that if there is good to extensive testing on every part, and if there are other details and pictures, it would be easy to write a draft.

Correct me if I am wrong, which I might be.

There is a distinct difference between quality of someone with extensive knowledge/experience with a bey than someone who bases things off tests.
I feel that you'll get a much better written article.
I believe this was just copied from http://beyblade.wikia.com/wiki/Hell_Kerbecs_BD145DS.
I see no written text there..
Though yes, the format of OP is exactly like Bey wikia.
Someone must have deleted it... It was there when I saw it. It's the exact same as the OP.