Happy Bey-Day Tournament

Date - 28th of May

Time - Get There around 11am and it will end around 3pm or earlier

Format - I'm hoping to do a round robin

Location - It will be at Burwood Park where the chequered floor is

Expected Turnout - around 10 - 20 and it is not limited


This is for the people who can not make it to the Bey-day ultimate challenge due to the date or the limitation of people. Please bring your stadiums especially attack stadiums because the more stadiums there are the more faster the tournament will run. if this tournament dosn't have 8 more people attending then i will have to cancel it. The entry fee will be $5 and there will be a prize for the 1st place.

Attending list

1.Earth Libra3
What's the point in limiting a tournament for those who missed out on another limited one?

Besides, this being a very disrespectful move, nor do you have any of the experience for this to have a chance at being official.
yeah i guess i see your point i will change the information a bit. thanks for the feedback....
mfbleyblade i m interested
Locked because MFBleyblade can't do this any more.