Golden Girls

Golden girls man that show is awesome and yes i watch it I love it to death shame that betty is the only one left D: but still its a good show discuss it here

This classical show makes me smile in many ways one is because its so touching :')
This is among my favorite television shows, and I continue to watch it even now, despite having seen every single episode thirty or fourty times. I grew up watching it, and I suppose I am sentimentally attached, or just outright comfortable with it.

When Beatrice Arthur and Estelle Getty passed away, I was honestly quite upset - Getty had been in very bad shape for a long time, though, so it was technically for the better. I was essentially numb by the time Rue died, but it was still unfortunate.
I know it saddens me Still theyll all be together up in heaven one day singing thank you for being a friend. but i love this show i do its so well written i mean my favorite is the condom sketch i LOLED the whole time
I am personally quite fond of most any situation wherein Sophia takes an elaborate shot at Blanch.

Honestly, Rue McClanahan's character makes the show difficult to watch on occasion, because I find such behavior beyond reproach, but it also often lends well to mockery by Dorothy and Sophia, so I'm alright with it all in all, I suppose.