Give Me A Combo!

Are there any good combos i can make from the following beyblades?

Gigars(10 heavy)
Dranzer G(10 heavy)
Flash Leopard (10 heavy)
Gaia Dragoon V and G(10 wide and 10 heavy)
Zeus(10 wide)
Metal Driger(8 wide)
Dragoon G and GT(both 8 wide)
Metal Dranzer(8 balance)
Rapid Eagle G(10 balance)
Draciel MBD(6 balance)
Cyber Dragoon(10 wide)

(May. 09, 2009  11:55 PM)bladerglass936 Wrote: Are there any good combos i can make from the following beyblades?

Gigars(10 heavy)
Dranzer G(10 heavy)
Flash Leopard (10 heavy)
Gaia Dragoon V and G(10 wide and 10 heavy)
Zeus(10 wide)
Metal Driger(8 wide)
Dragoon G and GT(both 8 wide)
Metal Dranzer(8 balance)
Rapid Eagle G(10 balance)
Draciel MBD(6 balance)
Cyber Dragoon(10 wide)


Theres a thread for this,the "build me a combo" thread.