Girl Meets World is an upcoming American television sitcom. The series, set to debut some time in 2014 on Disney Channel, is a sequel to the sitcom Boy Meets World, which aired on ABC's TGIF block from 1993 to 2000. The new series will follow Riley Matthews (portrayed by Rowan Blanchard), the teenage daughter of Boy Meets World main characters Cory and Topanga Matthews, as Riley navigates the challenges of life. Ben Savage and Danielle Fishil, who played Cory and Topanga respectively in the original series, will reprise their roles in this series, as will other members of the original cast. A for-sure returning character so far from Boy Meets World is Mr. Feeny. This thread is for posting comments about Girl Meets World and it's relationship to Boy Meets World.
My Thoughts
I might be young but I LOVE all the old 90s shows! I still find Boy Meets World on channels, and watch all the other old shows on the Hub (Happy Days, Alf, Mork and Mindy, Brady Bunch, Wonder Years, etc.). Also 90s Nickelodeon shows at night: "Nick's the 90s Are All That" (All That, Kenan and Kel, Hey Arnold, Doug, etc.) When I heard they'd be bringing Boy Meets World back in a new version, I just stared at the screen for 5 minutes blank-faced and jaw-dropped (MINDBLOWN). I'm just afraid Disney will mess it up and turn one of the characters into a singer or something.[/b]
My Thoughts
I might be young but I LOVE all the old 90s shows! I still find Boy Meets World on channels, and watch all the other old shows on the Hub (Happy Days, Alf, Mork and Mindy, Brady Bunch, Wonder Years, etc.). Also 90s Nickelodeon shows at night: "Nick's the 90s Are All That" (All That, Kenan and Kel, Hey Arnold, Doug, etc.) When I heard they'd be bringing Boy Meets World back in a new version, I just stared at the screen for 5 minutes blank-faced and jaw-dropped (MINDBLOWN). I'm just afraid Disney will mess it up and turn one of the characters into a singer or something.[/b]