General Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread

(Jun. 07, 2011  3:20 AM)|Joe| Wrote: So I created an account at and it is just as Pockyx3 said. If anyone wants a battle I'm Einstien11

I made an account like two weeks ago and never got a confirmation e-mail to finish registering... lol
I thought the same thing....turns out Gmail send it directly to Spam lol
yh so have I and it rentao
I've registered on DN, I'm Gamer420, if I'm online, I'll duel.
I got my dueling network account set up. I'm rainbowarmy; anyone want to duel?
Dueling network gets my thumbs up, it's much better than DMG, sadly it lacks Attack and Defense point edits, if it had that it would be brilliant.
(Jun. 10, 2011  6:25 PM)BFireblaze 6509 Wrote: Dueling network gets my thumbs up, it's much better than DMG, sadly it lacks Attack and Defense point edits, if it had that it would be brilliant.

Its mostly manual operation, not unlike some older YGO stuff I used to play on BYOND. Reminds me a lot of KCVDS
I just joined Dueling Network. I'm Blind-Eye Odin, in case anyone wants to hit me up for a duel.
I would be good for right now, if you want to?
I'm online now if anyone wants to duel me. I'm Einstien11 so PM in-game if you want to duel.
I may as well say my DN username. meforthewin99
Took my Blackwings to a local tournament today. I went 4-0 the first four rounds and then lost in the first round of top 8, or, as my friends and I call it, getting "the 4-0 curse", haha. I was kind of annoyed at first, especially since I lost to someone who, and I know this is arrogant, was clearly below me on the level of skill. He just got really lucky with his mills (he was playing a weird Magical Merchant deck with King of the Skull Servant) and I didn't have enough resources to stop his big plays.

But oh well, can't win them all. I only went to test my deck out and I was really happy with how it did, and I got an Ultimate Rare, First Edition Armor Master as a prize just for playing (which I needed to finish my synchro deck anyway), so I guess it balanced out in the long run.
Cool, I wish my locals would have more tourneys, I'll probably request some when I go on Saturday.
I just signed up for DN and made my deck. My username is aron101. Anyone wanna duel?
I just won a small tournament with TGs! So excited! I won 4 packs of Extreme Victory, and got 2 Reciprico Dragonflies, a Junk Berserker, an Esper Girl, Meklord Fortress, and a Meklord Emperor Skiel. Lucky me! Not much else besides cards I can beef my deck up with. That Skiel's goin' in, though. I'm so tired of Stardust. Went 5-0, almost lost round 1 of top 8, but the guy got DQ'ed for having a Victory Dragon in his deck, then I coasted the rest of the tournament on two TGX300 on top of 3 TG Falcons. I had some really lucky draws today. I'll head back tomorrow to goof around and test this deck out some more.
Split for 1st at another local tournament tonight. Cool
Just signed up for DN. My username is Megaknight.
<Delete, posting a comment fixed it>
The same guy with the Victory Dragon came back with a very weird beat-stick powered deck. Kinda odd, but after a few huge Synchro Summons, he started using cards like Sakuretsu Armor. I summon Skiel, take his Red Dragon Archfiend, (I had Meklord Factory), then his Stardust, and lastly, his Junk Berserker. Needless to say, that was about it. I left after picking up some card sleeves. Sadly, I still don't have any Wonder Magicians, so I have to make do with Formula Synchron.
Kristya's not in the SD, and I think I know why.... Kristya's in GS04, now that I've said it, it must be true!

EDIT: Konami's released the last 6 golds,

Spirit Reaper,
Archlord Zerato,
Summoner Monk,
Pot of Avarice and
GB Gyzarus,

AWW YEAH HOLO REAPER HERE I COME, Ryko's mine all mine.
EPICWIN GB GYZARUS IN GOLD !!!!!!!!one!!!! Anyway, I just had a long counter trap battle with a samurai player on DN, Shi En attack darius, d prison, negate, war chariot, judgment, judgment, seven tools, seven tools. I won after he had gone to 1000 and couldn't use his set warning. but for the life of me I can not remeber his/her username.
GS04 is easily the worst Gold Series ever.

Doom Cal is the only thing in there that's worth a damn, and even then it's not that useful.
No Kristya in the SD or the Gold Series.

Konami, I am disappoint.
Well, I don't care about GS04 in the slightest. I'll probably buy one to get a mat, but other than that... yeah. Nothing of any real interest here.

(Jun. 15, 2011  4:39 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: Konami, I am disappoint.
Me, too.