General Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread

(Jan. 29, 2011  1:14 AM)Pockyx3 Wrote: Konami is pulling our leg with this one, yes?
What's the purpose for a level 8 tuner? It would only be good if it could modify it's level.

It will most likely have some use in the future.

I, also, am going to be looking at the Nordics in this set. Quite excited for them.
(Jan. 28, 2011  11:38 PM)Roan Wrote: Honestly, if you're not a Six Samurai or GB player (Forbidden Lance), there's NOTHING in this set for you.

I think Vortex the Whirlwind is good. It helps both Dragunity(kinda) and Blackwings(kinda).
Locals report! I was quite surprised with the results: 3 wins, 1 loss.

I won against two Lightsworn Decks; I remember in one duel, I was able to pull out Obelisk for game. I also beat a Machina Deck as well, and I was able to win with Obelisk again for the first out of the three duels.

I lost against a mirror match; I was going to Main my Morphing Jar and Side Obelisk, but I didn't think of it until it was over.

I'm still questioning Obelisk in my Deck, although I think I will remove very shortly.
I did; second place though. =P The prize was a whole bunch of money from the entrance fee, and a Duelist Pack Yusei 2. You know what was really awesome though? Some people looked through my Deck, and aside from Obelisk, everyone asked, "Where did you get the idea for this great Blackwing Deck?"

I was able to reply, "Roan's Pro YGO"; I was even more surprised when some people actually know of the Blog and visit it regularly. =) Roan, you've got fans in Vancouver as well.
Wow, really? I'm not gonna lie...

In fact, since my Deck did this well, I think I've hoarded you some more followers. Wink I should pass out some papers with the url to your Blog next week; I knew some people at locals, so I can text them your Blog.

After your help, I was able to go from 1-3 to 3-1. =D
That's awesome man, seriously. You have no idea how good that makes me feel; makes me feel like doing the blog is worth it.

I mean, as long as it's helping people, that's really all that matters. I would love you forever and always if you did something like that for me, that would be really awesome.
Roan, it would be selfish of me to keep the valuable information of your Blog to the small amount of people in my locals that know about it; I want to try my best to make your Blog boom. I thought it was so funny, because at first, I was a nobody, using a very poorly built GK's Deck, but now, my Blackwing Deck is one of the most menacing at my locals. I would never have gotten this far in the hobby without your help, my good friend.

I'll put a Deck Profile on my YT Channel for starters, giving you complete credit for the build, and link people to your Blog. =) I think I'll do it tonight. =D
An example of an Exceed monster is now on Wikia.

Still no word on if they're kept in main or extra deck though.
I hope Blackwings still get new cards in the ZEXAL era of packs, I'd hate for them to die out.
Anyone interested in some zane trusdale booster packs? I may be able to get around 25 of them..PM me.

I wrote up a new article/analysis on Legendary Six Samurai. Check it out and let me know what you all think!
(Jan. 31, 2011  8:08 PM)Roan Wrote:

I wrote up a new article/analysis on Legendary Six Samurai. Check it out and let me know what you all think!

Nice article Roan! I can tell you put alot of work into it.
I think I'm going to take Roan's advice and try to obtain a third TKRO. With a lot of Regionals happening in February, I don't doubt that there will be the limiting of some LSS Cards, especially Shien. I just hope they don't start nerfing Blackwings again.

Edit: Deck Profile Video, with shoutouts to Roan! =D
Amazing article Roan, but in my opinion; True Six Sam will be like Tele DAD until Konami limits the Gateway.
It's just too broken of what combinations they can pull on the first turn, having multiple backrows, 3 big beaters on the field, and a large hand.
That generally says it all.
yeah, huge fan of yugioh. In the deck discussions, i have posted my deck. Rate it, plz!
Went undefeated (3-0) at locals again today.

I'm like the undisputed champion of that tournament, hardly anyone else ever wins there. haha
(Feb. 01, 2011  4:39 AM)Roan Wrote: Went undefeated (3-0) at locals again today.

I'm like the undisputed champion of that tournament, hardly anyone else ever wins there. haha

O.o I wish I had mad YGO skills like you.

I guess if I want to be good I can just copy your deck...
Well, it's not so much the deck as it is the player.

I've been playing competitive Yu-Gi-Oh for around two years, and I've been playing Blackwings off and on since then, but I've also been playing the deck throughout almost this entire format, so I know it in and out. To put it simply, I know what I'm doing. I know my bad match ups, I know my good match ups, and I know how to side in and out to cover those.

It just takes a lot of practice and experience. Anyone can be good at this game, you just have to be dedicated and interested enough to commit the time and effort to getting there. Ask anyone who knows me personally, I used to be god awful at this game when I first got back into it. I was playing all kinds of trashy decks with vanilla 1900 beaters and garbage equip cards.

It wasn't until, ironically enough, I saved up the money and built a Blackwing deck (this was right after Gale had been limited; Black Whirlwind was still at 3 and my friends were all telling me the deck was dead with only 1 Gale -- boy were they ever wrong), that I really started to get better. Blackwings were the first deck I ever took to a tournament, and while I went 2-2 that day (still pretty respectable, IMO), I've only gone up from there.

Now I have two YCS's under my belt; Nashville last February where I went 2-3 and dropped, and Atlanta this past November, where I went 5-3 and only missed making day two and possibly top 32 by one game.

My point is: Practice. Practice. Practice.

Copying a deck isn't going to get you anywhere, you have to learn the basics and the real depth of the game to be good at it.
Thanks for the speach Roan, I needed it. I just got to practice and find out what works best for me. That won't be hard because I duel everyday at school. And maybe once I get good I can go to tournaments more often.
I'll be perfectly honest, you won't get any better if you don't go to tournaments; that's how you learn the more subtle ins and outs of the game.

Playing people that are better than you is the only way to grow in a game like this.
Another point to back you up Roan. I've been using my Crystal Beast deck for just about 5 years now. I was so-so with them for a few years til I started getting more competitive and found more people who locally dueled (About 3 years in to having my CB's). For the past two years I've been going to a local card shop where people who go to YCS and have been dueling competitively for a whole lot longer than I have. However they swap decks a lot so my Crystal Beasts usually destroy unless I go against a true veteran. I've been using my Crystal Beasts long enough that I know certain deck types that I can't beat (Lightsworns, GB). But now that I've learned how helpful Side Decking can be (thank you Roan!!!) I'm now overcoming that weakness and learning how to cripple and destroy many decks that i have a hard time with.

So the moral is: know your deck, learn all the rules of the game no matter how measly it sounds, study other decks as well as your own, and never lose hope in your deck.....unless of course it is trash no matter HOW you look at it and has no hope whatsoever.
Yeah, I can't stress enough how important it is to learn as many rulings on cards as humanly possible. It might not sound like much, but knowing card rulings can give you such an advantage over your opponents.

I also can't possibly stress enough how crucial proper side decking is. If you don't know how to properly side and cover your deck's weaknesses, you really won't have any hope of taking a deck to a major event with many rounds (Regionals, YCS, etc.) and doing well.
Yeah if you side the right cards you can cripple a good amount of decks. Especially if you get out Consecrated Light on the first turn against a deck like Infernities or Blackwings. I was at my card shop on Saturday and I completely crippled a guy using a Dark Magician deck when I drew Consecrated Light on the first turn.