Gaming Universe! Forums dedicated to anything game-related!

Looking for somewhere to talk about games more in depth? Well guess what! CRUelty is here to tell you about the new forums that have been created! This site, known as Gaming Universe, is completely dedicated to games! When we say games, we mean things like video games, apps, board games, and so much more!
Click here to enter the Universe!
Don't forget to sign up and read the rules!
EDIT: Credits to iBeyblader for creating the name to Gaming Universe!
Guys, if you like any other hobby besides beyblade, GET ON THIS FORUM NOW!!!!
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:16 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: Thank you for referring me there. Smile
You're welcome! Grin
Site looks nice, I hope you get some outside members.
Signed up. Hope I can be mod lol. Looks nice too.
(Oct. 16, 2011  10:06 PM)® Wrote: Signed up. Hope I can be mod lol. Looks nice too.
Awesome! And maybe you can be if you post like a bawse Tongue_out

No credit to me for making the name of the forum? T^T
(Oct. 17, 2011  12:57 AM)iBeyblader Wrote: No credit to me for making the name of the forum? T^T
Credits to iB for the name of Gaming Universe.
There, happy? XD
Lemme edit the OP, you selfish dawg XD lol jk