Gaming Random Thoughts


i have that game.
the song in the backround pissed me off so much, the game had potential to be good but sega yet again rushed it on a Rushed system ( Saturn, which is a great system by the way Wink )
ok so idk if i told you guys this before, but our house has 2 floors, 1st floor has bathroom, shower, two bedroom (one for me and my sister) and a living room, the whole second floor is basically my and my sisters

and i was planning on making the living room a "gaming room" (with a wii, ps3, ps2 and maybe 360 sometime in the distant future), the only thing i needed was a HD tv, but we only had one upstairs, and the downstairs tv was a carp one from 1998 so i played on my ps3 upstairs (I didn't have hd cables, hadn't bought them yet btw, but was planning to)

so for my bday i got a 22 inch HD ready computer monitor, and i was planning on playing ps3 on it. but yesterday, i got back home from work, to see a Samsung 32 inch HDTV with HD cables in the downstairs living room!! as a extra bday present. I also got another sixaxis controller. So now I have a carp gaming room downstars Grin Grin Grin this has been a dream since i was like 8 lol

btw I <3 Mercenary Team Deathmatch in CoD4 <3<3<3<3<3
i carp love samsung's tvs and monitors, congrats
So today I forfeit every once of my gaming dignity and griefed someone.

But they deserved it.

I was playing Lone Wolves on Halo 3 earlier today before I went to work and this retard with the gamertag "jackyfrosst" got put into my party while searching for a match.

Well, maybe I brought it on myself for being named Rainbow Army, playing a pink Spartan and having my icon a unicorn (Ok, I TOTALLY brought it on myself, stfu) but this kid is like "Hey I wonder if Rainbow Army is gay?" and just kept being a carp to me in the lobby while we were waiting for the game to start, calling me a carp and all of this other carp (I had no mic at the time so I couldn't respond -- trust me, I would've loved too).

So the game starts (Crazy King on Snowbound) and I just target this kid. Like every carp time he spawns I was there to beat the piss out of him. He got into the Ghost to try and run me down and I Spartan Lasered his carp from like five feet away. To make matters worse for him, I also tea bagged his corpse EVERY SINGLE TIME I killed him.

I ended up winning the match with the most time acquired in the hill and after the match was over I added him to my friends list simply so I could send him a message saying:

"Oh by the way, I AM gay and I pretty much just carp you up the carp.

Have a great day!"
dude that's goddamn awesome
Tamer Brad Wrote:dude that's goddamn awesome


Yeah, I couldn't help myself.
Ominous Wrote:I didn't figure you were a top.



Omg that was awesome. <3

is orange box worth it? i might want to get it, and TF2 looks really fun.

multiplayer is probably the biggest thing i want in a game right now lol
oh dude its totally worth it.
Personally I'm not too fond of TF2. :\
bugturtles Wrote:guise

is orange box worth it? i might want to get it, and TF2 looks really fun.

multiplayer is probably the biggest thing i want in a game right now lol

I need my PSP D-Pad fixed Unhappy

Everytime I play Mortal Kombat Trilogy i have to press the D-Pad in really hard just for my Character to Jump, I think all i need is a Replacement case to fix it.
SexyMichael Wrote:For pc the Orange box is full of win.


For everything else, though? Not so much.
It just didn't draw me in.

I played around 10 or so matches and just couldn't find the appeal of the game.

I couldn't find a class I liked to play either; maybe this was because I was playing alone and had no one to team up with, but I thought it was really hard to get the hang of.

Yes, I beat Portal and I never made it to Ep. 2 because I wanted to beat HL2 and Ep. 1 first but I eventually just gave up. Although I did get really damn far into HL2. lol
Playing Melee on Yoshi's Island gives me the urge to play Super Mario World again.

The final boss of FFXII Revenant Wings is a deceptive, Bahamut-summoning, ethereal prick and I must be rid of him soon. If only all the decent training missions weren't just as hard. XD

There haven't been any DS or PSP games I want to play released in a while. Pinching_eyes_2
Jesus christ, I just watched the infamous Fox News video on Mass Effect (Finally, behind the times, olde, I know stfu) but wow...

I can't believe these people are legally adults and are still this ignorant. Although I must say, the guy who comments last in the video (I can't remember his name atm) is probably the most sensible person sitting at the table.

He's damn right; it's up to the parents to monitor what is being brought into their home. These so called parents need to realize that gaming as a medium has grown up just like books and film before them, whether they like it or not.

These parents wouldn't dare bring an R rated film into their home for their beloved children to stumble upon, so why on Earth are MATURE rated games being treated any differently?

What's even better is that these people are picking on a very small, INCREDIBLY minimal sex scene in the game which is seriously PG compared to some of the things being shown on Fox's own TV shows during primetime TV. Do they not realize that every episode of The OC was worse than this one two-minute scene in a 30+ hour game? Not to mention the fact that you have to actively pursue this sex quest for (what I've heard) about ten hours before you even GET to the sex scene.

Augh, I can't wait for the older generation who don't understand video games to just carp die and for people who have brains to replace them.
^I couldn't agree more. It's up to the parents to monitor what their children do and from what I've heard the scene is extremely short anyways like you said.
bugturtles Wrote:guise

is orange box worth it? i might want to get it, and TF2 looks really fun.

multiplayer is probably the biggest thing i want in a game right now lol

dude get it man.

hl was hard, you guys shouldn't be skipping hl2 or ep 1. then again if you haven't played hl then you may not have the same interest. still >>
sam Wrote:or they can play hl2 for an hour get bored and declare orange box as teh suck.

Ha ha ha, this is exactly what happened to me only I played HL2 for way more than an hour.

I was like 10 hours in before I quit. lol
No dude I was way past the chopper when I gave up.

I'm pretty sure I got farther than this, but the last thing I remember is doing the little bridge part when you're driving the dune buggy.

Oh, and I remember having to fight that one ship thing with the rocket launcher.

That's about the last I remember of the game. lol