Gaming Random Thoughts

(Apr. 08, 2011  2:23 PM)Dude Wrote: Interesting. I'm actually kinda looking foward for that one.

Pretty much all they have to do to make a Sonic game is have speed and cool music and they should do good.

Oh, and they should avoid incorporating any dumb gameplay elements, like the Werehog, the sword and all that stuff.
I just hope this game does end up getting a Wii release...

I wonder if it will have side scrolling or 3D gameplay. Maybe both? I don't know, I'm just hoping it will be good.

Now where is that NiGHTS: Into Dreams port we all deserve? For crying out loud, I love NiGHTS: Into Dreams. It's the 15th anniversary, and there is no news from SEGA except that it is the anniversary.

Who here has played NiGHTS: Journey Of Dreams for the Wii? I had that game a while back. I got to the part near the beginning where you have to fight the bouncing clown thing in a tower. I think it was like the first or second Nightmare. I got bored when I got there and traded it in. But I have been thinking lately. Is the game any good beyond that point? I never got past there so I wouldn't know. But I'm dying to find out since it's pretty cheap at GameStop these days. And I'm dying to play a NiGHTS game while I wait for news on a Into Dreams port. Besides, I have a feeling To and Dude have played this game...
I've never played Nights, sorry.

And from the initial rumors about this Sonic game from last year it appears it may be remaking iconic Sonic stages in the vein of Colors' style of platforming and presentation. That first rumor said it would be on the PS3, PSP, DS, and Wii saying the 360 wasn't yet confirmed.

As for Sonic 4, I enjoyed the bits and pieces I did play of it, but I can't exactly deny this:

[Image: Movie_0003.gif]
I just learned something. I don't care how old I am, but every time I play Ecco The Dolphin (Yes, that old Sega Genesis game.) It always scares the carp out of me when everything gets sucked up into the vortex. I don't know why. I guess because it happens at a random time and makes that really creepy noise. But anyways, it always startles me. XD Other than that, the game is ok.

Does this ever happen to anybody else?
(Apr. 08, 2011  2:23 PM)Dude Wrote: Interesting. I'm actually kinda looking foward for that one.

Pretty much all they have to do to make a Sonic game is have speed and cool music and they should do good.

Oh, and they should avoid incorporating any dumb gameplay elements, like the Werehog, the sword and all that stuff.

I don't know about you, but I loved the gameplay additions in Sonic Adventure 2:Battle(mainly the head to head race, and the jewel findjng game) and I would be more interested if they brought some minigames or perhaps multiplayer fun to the mix(6 person online racing would be fun IMO).
What the hell is that crazy pic, To?!

I didn't know you were into...uumm...Under-aged furries?!
Excuse me, does that game have a built in "Heat" Function?
(Apr. 09, 2011  4:58 PM)Dude Wrote: What the hell is that crazy pic, To?!

I didn't know you were into...uumm...Under-aged furries?!

QFT. What the hell is that? Do you have a soft spot for these....uh.... things?
Hahaha, it's actually just a promotional image Sony sent out for the Eyepet sequel (the major thing is that you now can have multiple Eyepets). I just found the expression on the blue one's face to be hilarious.

Eyepet is just a pet simulator like Nintendogs, except with a weird monkey thing.
A monkey? Do they have the ability to throw their ****?
Monkeys that wear shirts but no pants? Uncertain

Monkeys that lick their faces?

I believe I'd stick with regular Nintendogs, if I even had that.
Thanks to you, I now see the picture as very creepy instead of cute.
Well, think about it.

It's monkeys, one male, one female, the male has no pants, the female is licking his face and she seems to really enjoy it.

That's like five different fetishes.
My god, just rate this game M for sexual themes, and pantless monkeys with strange fur colors.
(Apr. 09, 2011  5:22 PM)Dude Wrote: Monkeys that wear shirts but no pants? Uncertain

Monkeys that lick their faces?

I believe I'd stick with regular Nintendogs, if I even had that.

Nintendogs lick their owners face.

Nintendogs wear no clothes at all.

Also, I think that image is just for promotional use, not something you can do in the game.
Dogs don't care about clothes.

These...monkeys actually have some pieces of clothes, which means they have humility, or something.

I'm just joking, of course. I'll never feel a need to play these kind of games, anyway, I have a real dog.
Lol. The only virtual pet simulator that I'll ever need is the Chao Garden's on Sonic Advemture 1 & 2. XD Seriously though, what would you guys choose? A little monkey thing, a fake dog, or a Chao? I would choose the Chao. XD
I actually didn't like the Chao garden, had to grind like Sonic was an RPG. Hell, if you get it wrong, grind again. While Chao's are the cutest little chibis, you couldn't do much with em.

I wish if they ever made SA3, make it so the chao does something in the game, like attack some robots, speed you up, and for bosses, make your attack power 2x the strength rarely.
I just bought Patapon 3 off of PSN, and ohmygoshthemenumusicissoamazing
I used to annoy the hell out of my friend in gaming by just yelling out loud every time he did the combos: PON PON PATA PON! That game is complete epicness, what stage are you on?
I know someones going to defend the series like it is a fragile toddler of their kin-

But I am glad the Guitar Hero fad is dead, I know shovelware is the elemental "filler software" for game consoles, but it seems as if it ran itself too hot and ended up falling out of the atmosphere when they began to look like gimmicky advertisements instead of real games.
(Apr. 13, 2011  12:32 AM)To Wrote: I just bought Patapon 3 off of PSN, and ohmygoshthemenumusicissoamazing

I played all 3 Patapon (demos)
I have a feeling it get repetitive after some time.

Naruto: Kizuna Drive this game is FUN I WANT.
A tonne of rumors about a Wii successor at E3 have been spread around recently. I can't tell you if they're true or not but the word is it'll be BC with the Wii, and considerably more powerful than a PS3 or 360.

It'll be DOA if they do what I think they'll do.

Hope they use those capabilities to make the graphics look good, unlike most Wii games I've played.

Then again, graphics aren't everything.
Yes, but who would play a game that some site rated 10, that was downgraded to 6bit?