Gaming Random Thoughts

I would get a DSi XL if they'd put the GBA slot back in; there has to be room for it in there somewhere
Still holding on to my old DS for palpark.
I love my DSi to bits but Nintendo suck dark wheels for removing the GBA slot.
They haven't sold GBA's for half a decade. It's done.
Then they should stop having features in new games that involve them.
Heart Gold and Soul Silver still have the palpark feature, which requires a GBA slot.
DBZ raging blast is awesome
never face me online
i use ulimategohan custom
or uub
(Feb. 26, 2010  9:46 PM)theflightyellz Wrote: Then they should stop having features in new games that involve them.
Heart Gold and Soul Silver still have the palpark feature, which requires a GBA slot.

It's because Nintendo just can't keep that trend with the stuff they want to add. Which is way stupid. Like, you can't play Gameboy games on the DS Lite (which I have), so now I can't play Tetris! UnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappy
(Feb. 26, 2010  11:35 PM)BladerAce17 Wrote: It's because Nintendo just can't keep that trend with the stuff they want to add. Which is way stupid. Like, you can't play Gameboy games on the DS Lite (which I have), so now I can't play Tetris! UnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappyUnhappy

[Image: tetris-ds.jpg]


Honestly, when was that released? Never heard anything about it...

And I think I'll stick with my Gameboy game, though. Just have to use my sister's old GBA...
It was released very early in the DS's life. Prolly '05 or somethin.
Oh jeez, I definately wouldn't know about it! But thanks anyways, glad that they remade the single most addicting game ever!
(Feb. 27, 2010  3:55 AM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Oh jeez, I definately wouldn't know about it! But thanks anyways, glad that they remade the single most addicting game ever!

Tetris is on like literally every single platform ever created, lmao.
(Feb. 27, 2010  3:55 AM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Oh jeez, I definately wouldn't know about it! But thanks anyways, glad that they remade the single most addicting game ever!

either you are posting really dumb things so you can constantly post

or you are ridiculously ignorant
(Feb. 27, 2010  2:31 PM)♥ Wrote: either you are posting really dumb things so you can constantly post

or you are ridiculously ignorant

Or maybe I was thanking someone for information that I didn't have about an old game that I like to play. I didn't know that they made a remake of it, or that it was for other consoles. It isn't a crime ♥.
(Feb. 27, 2010  5:24 PM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Or maybe I was thanking someone for information that I didn't have about an old game that I like to play. I didn't know that they made a remake of it, or that it was for other consoles. It isn't a crime ♥.

tetris has been released for every nintendo platform ever, often multiple times over
As much as I despise the fact that I am, and as much as I said I wouldn't be... I'm very hyped for Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
You and me both. It's one of my 3 most wanted games for this year.
Definitely along with Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid other M.
Looking forward to it a lot, but not with the self-loathing ... Uncertain

A lot more like Pokemon than you think, considering its genuinely fun and rewarding.
I want it too, why I went to some Nintendo Events. Anyone know what the "special" N-Event Pokemon do when put on HG-SS?
(Feb. 28, 2010  5:49 PM)♥ Wrote: its genuinely fun and rewarding.

I would find it more fun and rewarding if there was some form of anti-cheat. Many of my friends cheat and laugh because I'm not using EV trained perfect IV level 100s that are shiny with and It's kind of depressing.

I remember stadium 2 your data got erased if you'd used AR or gameshark on it and used it with the transfer pak. Smile
Other people cheating doesn't devalue the sense of satisfaction gained ... maybe you should play with other, more trustworthy people?
Anyone ever played Naruto POTN2 on DS before? Its pretty fun.
(Feb. 28, 2010  6:30 PM)♥ Wrote: Other people cheating doesn't devalue the sense of satisfaction gained ... maybe you should play with other, more trustworthy people?

Just simply the fact that you CAN cheat devalues it for me. I'm not saying it's sensible that I feel this way, I just do. It's similar to how people wouldn't play MMOs as much (probably) if you could cheat on them all the time on the retail servers of them.

[Image: zl83dc.jpg]

Directed by Kojima, the first MGS Kojima's actually been excited about making in nearly a decade, developed by a team the same size of MGS4. And you're more excited in the Raiden spinoff that's has nothing to do with Kojima (he's the supervisior), and is more Ninja Gaiden then Metal Gear Solid. Serious