Fruits Basket [Anime and Manga]

This may seem like a story for girls, but I still read and watch it. It's awesome, and my favorite characters are Haru and Shigure. Any comments about Fruits Basket (or the shortened name "Furuba") can go here!
Even though the idea and cross-dressing people did seem kinda weird to me, I enjoyed this anime. Toru seemed like kind of a cliche character, and Yuki drove me insane with his prissiness, but, whatever. My favorite characters were Kisa and Shigure. Grin
Hmm, in which, anime, or manga? (They are a bit different)
*When Haru first meets Tohru*
It's a pleasure to meet you!
*Haru then turns Black*
C'com you sissy cat, fight me!
*later* (funniest part)
Oh, you know, I'm going to do a little of this, and then some of that, and definitely some of that! (To Tohru)

In other words, Haru is epic.