I am 14, and would like some tips on blading, or even just some decent competition. Anyone else anywhere near this old ghost town? PM me to set up a plan. (I will check this thread, but not as often as my messages) Thanks, ~Kye
[Fredericton, NB, Canada] Anyone want to teach/battle?
Yikes, New Brunswick. Good luck with that.
(I'm from Newfoundland, I feel you.)
(I'm from Newfoundland, I feel you.)
Uhg, I know.
ha im the onle one youll get .
you loser .
you loser .
Kai - V, he is only 9...
im in south side ( i think) Fredericton... u
Yeah I'm in Newfoundland too. Not a chance I'll find anyone except a nostalgic friend...