[Fan Fiction]  Beyblade x Gravity falls chapter 1 part 1 da portal

"Hey guys, look at that portal, totally cool," said Soos.

 "Hey, portals are outlawed in this town said Sheriff Blubs. 

"Cancel the eBay auction," whispered Stanley.

A tiny buzzing sound started ringing as a person came through. A small boy with dark pink redish hair and huge green eyes standed in front of them.

"It is I, the dark prince, and what the heck is going on," said Bel as he started to reach into his pocket. Stanley saw Bel reaching into his pocket, thinking there was a gun. Suddenly, Stanley tackled Bel.

"What is the meaning of this," said Bel, struggling to get out of Stanley's head lock.

"He's got a gun in his pocket! Get it!" said Stanley.

Dipper came and pulled out a beyblade. "There's no gun. Let him go," said Dipper.

"Fine, but I'll keep an eye on him," Wispered suspiciously Stanley.

"Woah, what is that?" said Mabel excitedly.