[Fan Fiction]  (Bey100's Beyfics) New Series To Be Announced Soon...

(Feb. 25, 2023  3:54 AM)Bey100 Wrote: Greg8972 is officially the winner of the character contest!
Please Please Please don’t feel discouraged for anyone who lost… losing is apart of life and it’s okay.
Thanks to everyone who joined this contest and put in the hard work to create their character and bey!
I’ll definitely do something like this again in the future if I decide to do Cyber Crush season 2!

GG everyone
Here episode 14:
14. A New Blader Arrives! Vie Zelus!
Atarashī bureidā tōjō! Vu~īzerasu!
Episode Date: May 17 2023
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 3 Sneak Peak:
Valt’s New Design Explained:
Valt clothes are now blue/yellow.
He wears gloves with blue and yellow stripes on it,
And he wears a long sleeved jacket.
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 3:
Cyber Battle!
Hope you enjoyed that episode!
Like I said If you want to rank all 3 episodes!
Episode 4 next week!
What Expect In Episode 4:
Gale will be introduced along with his bey Flame Griffin! Expect to see Gale’s personality and this will be a bit more of a comedic episode. See ya later ✌️
A special mysterious character will appear next episode...

Make your guesses of what the special mysterious character is for next episode… 🤔
The possible special returning characters for next episode include these possible options:
Which do you think is most likely?
Rashad Goodman
Also whoever appears next episode won’t have a new bey evolution for this season.
That's okay
So me and Turbo Blader are currently developing a mini series (Beyblade Ultimate Multiverse) that will serve as a crossover to his and my fanfic and whoever else wants their fanfic in the crossover.
So there is a small chance that I might put the series on hiatus for a little bit but keep in mind I'm not confirming this as of right now just saying that there is a chance. This won't affect this series as hiatus are normal and their could be hiatus for many things to be honest. As of right now episode 4 is still scheduled to come out next Wednesday.
(Also some of you may have received a email so if you did check it out).

So I’m officially announcing that Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush will be on a small hiatus (like a week). Therefore episode 4 will be delayed but don’t worry episode 4 will release the Wednesday after next week. This is because I’m currently planning with Turbo Blader on the Wbo crossover fanfic so I putting a bit of a priority on that but I will also use this time to also think of ways to make episode 4 the best it can be. So the fanfic is on a small hiatus but It won’t be long. 🙂
Remember good things come from those who wait…
- Bey100
Here’s New Date For Episode 4:
4. The Fiery Flame Griffin!
March 15 2023
BIG UPDATE: So I am slightly changing some things when it comes to this series.
1. Schedule will be different
Episodes will come out whenever I have time to write a new episode but this doesn’t mean I’m going to be rushing out new content as I will continue to follow my Quality over Quantity policy. This means there could be episodes on a random day but the episode and story will still be organized.
2. Multiverse Consequences?
No. This series will take place in a alternate universe so there won’t be a real canon so this series will be unaffected.
3. Episode 4 Delay Discontinued
Episode 4 will now be released soon so hiatus is canceled.
Stay Tuned!
Hopefully some of these changes are for the better!
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 4:
The Fiery Flame Griffin!
There’s Some Special Returning Characters!
The ending of this episode sets up huge things…🤯
The Crossover Begins…✊
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush will continue having new episodes and while these episodes will take place after Beyblade Ultimate Multiverse the crossover won’t really effect these episodes so there isn’t going to be any new hiatus. Also don’t worry these episodes won’t spoil anything happing in the crossover so no concerns about that.
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 5:
Shine! Bright Athena!
Hope you enjoyed that episode!
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 6:
Alex Vs Alice! 
Hope you enjoyed that episode!
Also it is the 1 month anniversary of this series.
So thank you guys for all the support!
(Also I’m pretty sure this is my longest fanfic so far… so that’s neat)
What To Expect In Episode 7:
A tag team battle between Alex and Alice and Ron and Gale.More Free and Fafnir.
Some Huge Spoilers For Multiverse Effect on rest of series:
Don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled!
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 7:
A Cyber Tag Battle!
Hope you enjoyed that episode!
What to expect in episode 8:
Expect to see Gale have a lot of character development with the help of Alex, Ron, Alice, and TCK and Gale learns what beyblade is truly about.
The Crowned King is very excited for the next episode.
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Episode 8:
The Right Way Of Beyblade!
A lot of character development in this one.
Beyblade Burst Updated Cyber Crush Products Listings:
Beyblade Burst Cyber Crush Manga Chapters (1-3)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three