The blacknight gave me the idea to do this. The rules: enter in no more than 5 chapters of a fan fic. The grading is based on how good it is from a story perspective not by a fan fic perspective (so expect hard grading). Please note it’s not based on popularity. I will not be entering.
[Fan Design] Fanfic contest (based on my opinion)
So its up to 5 chapters? meaning no more than 5 chapters accepted right?
(Oct. 05, 2021 5:56 AM)anantaking Wrote: So its up to 5 chapters? meaning no more than 5 chapters accepted right?
Yes. I don’t want to review more than 5 chapters per person.
Just going to mention people who may be interested: DeltaZakuro UnseenBurst SpeedySuomi Lucha Burst
Beyblade Burst: Stardust
You can read Ch. 1-5 (remastered) here:
You can read Ch. 1-5 (remastered) here:
Uh are fics that aren't beyblade allowed?