Ello *hello with out the h =P*

Hello people....so what should i start with....hmmm i havent beyblade in a long time because they dont sell beyblade much anymore around me Pinching_eyes. and oddly enough i only new one other person who like to beyblade around where i live.Pinching_eyes_2 that i know of. but im getting back into this sport know that i got ways to order from the internet and realised i fell behind in everything so i thought i would join and and learn all about it again. Cute so lets the lerning begin.....i sound like one of my old teachers Pinching_eyes anyways

Welcome to the WBO! Grin
Welcome to World Beyblade Organization!!
Thank you aww you guys werent kidding when you guys wrote friendly replys Joyful_3 that so sweet
Welcome to the WBO!
Welcome! Smile
Welcome to the WBO!
enjoy your stay! :3