Character Requests:
Name: Haruki
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bey: Sun Apollo BS145XRF
Type: Balance
Apollo: Is gold and has the sun's rays around the edges
Sun: Is red and has circles around the edges
BS145: Stands for Blazing Sun 145 looks like BD145 except it's gold and is narrower
XRF: Stands for Xtreme Rubber Flat just a wider RF
Bio: He is the older brother of Tsukiko. He is very aggressive. Like Tsukiko, he is a very strong blader. He is stronger when the sun is shining.
Appearance: Wears a red t-shirt, denim shorts and white sneakers. Has hair similar to Wells's.
Special Moves: Blazing Sun Strike: BS145 catches on fire. Then, Apollo uses XRF to charge at the opponent at the speed of light. Then, Apollo burns a hole in the opponent.
Double Strike: (With Tsukiko) Both blades create one blast that destroys the opponent.
Name: Tsukiko
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Bey: Moon Artemis SM145XRF
Type: Balance
Artemis: Is white and has arrows around the edge
Moon: Is black and has rings for defense
SM145: Stands for Shining Moon 145 looks like D125 with multiple rings
XRF: Stands for Xtreme Rubber Flat just a wider RF
Bio: She is the younger sister of Haruki. She is very calm. Like Haruki, she is a very strong blader. She is stronger when the moon is shining.
Appearance: Wears white t-shirt, black jeans and grey sneakers. Has hair similar to Sophie's.
Special Moves: Shining Moon Strike: The bey starts glowing. Then, it delivers a smashing blow,
forcing a stadium out.
Double Strike: (With Haruki) Both blades create one blast that destroys the opponent.
Name: Haruki
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bey: Sun Apollo BS145XRF
Type: Balance
Apollo: Is gold and has the sun's rays around the edges
Sun: Is red and has circles around the edges
BS145: Stands for Blazing Sun 145 looks like BD145 except it's gold and is narrower
XRF: Stands for Xtreme Rubber Flat just a wider RF
Bio: He is the older brother of Tsukiko. He is very aggressive. Like Tsukiko, he is a very strong blader. He is stronger when the sun is shining.
Appearance: Wears a red t-shirt, denim shorts and white sneakers. Has hair similar to Wells's.
Special Moves: Blazing Sun Strike: BS145 catches on fire. Then, Apollo uses XRF to charge at the opponent at the speed of light. Then, Apollo burns a hole in the opponent.
Double Strike: (With Tsukiko) Both blades create one blast that destroys the opponent.
Name: Tsukiko
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Bey: Moon Artemis SM145XRF
Type: Balance
Artemis: Is white and has arrows around the edge
Moon: Is black and has rings for defense
SM145: Stands for Shining Moon 145 looks like D125 with multiple rings
XRF: Stands for Xtreme Rubber Flat just a wider RF
Bio: She is the younger sister of Haruki. She is very calm. Like Haruki, she is a very strong blader. She is stronger when the moon is shining.
Appearance: Wears white t-shirt, black jeans and grey sneakers. Has hair similar to Sophie's.
Special Moves: Shining Moon Strike: The bey starts glowing. Then, it delivers a smashing blow,
forcing a stadium out.
Double Strike: (With Haruki) Both blades create one blast that destroys the opponent.