Drifen: A One-Shot (Non-Beyblade Story)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gyeRYw1B8A Listen to this song while reading, this one-shot is based off of the actual string orchestra piece Drifen, by Shirl Jae Atwell. I wrote each part based on a part of the song, the audience (you people) should be able to see the difference. Just want to say, I actually wrote this with my earbuds in, listening to the song. This was originally intended to be an anime, but I decided to make it a one-shot instead, meaning that this is the first and last part of the story. However, if public decision is strong enough in continuing this, I can turn it into a series, though I would rather not. I’m very busy with homework/lazy with free time normally.


Zoom in. A tall man stands there, his back to the horizon with sword in hand. He begins to run forward, moving towards a new day. He continues on, through fields of wheat, under blue skies, over mountain passes. But not all is well. There are charred, barren landscapes with grey, dead trees who still stand by the barest of roots. There are villages laid to waste, the bodies piled high. He knows he must continue on, and stop this evil. He knows that he must rise up, and win.

Skip forward. The man is now moving across the countryside, accompanied by a short blonde woman and another man wearing glasses with a bow strapped across his back. The trio have faced both grievous and joyful times together. Together, they scour the country, trying to eliminate the evil that has purged this land. Villain after villain they defeat, and their popularity rises. Rebellions break out against the evil, and the people are inspired.

Change point of view. The evil sees this new uprising, led by the trio, and decides that he must come and put a stop to it. He gets off his throne, and transports to where they are. The man with the sword recognizes who this is, and the three attack at once. The evil easily bats them aside, and murders the girl and the man with the glasses. As the tall man falls before his friends, the evil pulls off his cloak and mask. It’s a rather familiar face, one that the tall man has seen often. One he sees in the mirror every day, for here stands the evil, also known as the evil, twisted, twin brother of the man. The man attacks, but is utterly defeated. The evil taunts him, challenging him to fight and saying he will be back in one week to finish the man off. He laughs, and vanishes in a swirl of black and gray.

The man slowly sinks back to his knees, holding the girl in his hands. A sense of desolation crawls over him, and he begins to despair, wondering what will happen to him. He knows that he must avenge the death of his friends, but he must face his brother at the same time. He doesn’t know if he has the strength to face his brother. As day turns to night, and clear skies to thunderstorms, he continues to ponder upon this decision. Finally, he gets up. He knows what he must do.

One week later. The man arrives at a run-down church. The paint is peeling off of the walls, the statues dismembered from wear or the destruction that occurred there, the glass windows smashed. The perfect place for any battle. The man kneels before the statue at the front, praying for anyone to give him the strength to do what he must do. He rises, and turns towards the evil that has arrived. They both draw their swords, and CLASH! The first blow is struck. The brothers slide back from the impact, and the man rushes towards the evil, a battle cry upon his lips. For a second, fear flashes in the evil’s eyes, and the man hesitates, remembering once more who he is fighting. The evil smirks, and in a single stroke cuts the man down. He lies on the floor of the church in a pool of his own blood, the evil staring down at him. Finally, the evil speaks:

“Tsk. What a shame that it had to be this way, but you’re finally where you belong, brother. Lying at my feet.”

“You couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag! I always won when we used to fight, so why bother trying now. You’re dead, and I will rule this land for all time.”

The man, slowly weakening from blood loss, grits his teeth and spits out:

“You WILL not defeat me.”

“Oh really? That’s odd, it seems I’ve already won. Besides, you wouldn’t hurt your brother, now would you?”

Realization dawns upon the man.

“You’re not my brother.”

“What? Are you delusional? I’ll just have to finish this th-”

“Wait. Let me finish. You may be my brother in blood, but YOU’RE NO BROTHER OF MINE!”

The man slowly gets back up, astonishing the evil, who steps back from him.

“How? How could you stand up after that attack?”

“The same reason I was able to come here in the first place. I started this journey to rid the world of you and your evil. I came here to avenge my friends who you killed. All to bring the country to peace. Because I’m DRIVEN.”

His sword glints as he rushes forward and delivers a flurry of attacks to the evil, who takes a step back as he fends off the man’s attacks. They are even, matching blow for blow, neither giving ground towards the other. The man suddenly rushes forward, and cuts under the evil’s guard. The evil quickly flips his sword to fend it, but the pressure is too much, and the evil’s sword, after fighting a long hard battle, breaks, leaving a stump in the evil’s hand, and metal fragments piercing through his stomach.

The evil finally collapses to the ground, and as the sun begins to rise for a new day, the man holds the body of his dead brother. His first tear catches the ray’s light as he howls towards the sky.


Rather different from my usual style of writing, but I suddenly had inspiration and free time. Thus, I made good on my promise to do this story. Smile Enjoy, and don’t forget to review!
I actually did make this story in the end. OP updated, and the story is done! I could make it into a series, but like I said in the OP, I'd rather leave this as a one-shot, meaning that there is only one part to the story. What you're seeing is the complete story. I'll only edit it with grammatical revisions and spelling errors.

Note: The anonymity is there for a reason. Names aren't important here.

Thought I'd try out a new style, my normal one is how I wrote the prologue and first chapter for "In All But Blood" (Also on here, search through my threads). Enjoy!
I actually like this a lot. It would be cool if it was made into a series butit is still good as a one shot.
Like I said, with enough public support I could turn this into a series, I just prefer not to do so.

I appreciate the praise, thank you. Smile