Divine Chimera TR145FB Coro Coro Comic Limited Edition

Name: Divine Chimera TR145FB Limited Edition Coro Coro Comic
Weight: 38.52g
Character: N/A

Divine Chimera was created from a contest.
Coro Coro Comic was the one who held the contest.
So anyways, the facebolt is a chimera which is different made as one and it looks really well.
The Divine Wheel is 30.49g and is painted gold ,but this seems to remind me of the Counter wheel which has lots of recoil. Hopefully it doesn't ,but it may have some attack potential.
The Chimera Clear Wheel is 2.76g and is well designed... it's beautiful
TR145 or Triple Roller is is 3 rollers on on a track that looks it is design to roll the the opposing bey off of it and keep it away. It will probably have some defense potential ,but note that it has 3 huge gaps for some reason,but it my lead to some recoil.
FB or Flat Ball is similar to FS or Flat Sharp. Like the the FS it will probably switch to Attack to hurry up and get KO and if it doesn't get KO it'll switch to Defense mode to gain stamina and try to OS the opposing bey. Now the difference between FB and FS is that FB will have more stability and probably more stamina than FS...

Good Luck Beybladers
I suppose this was made as a draft for Beywiki, but that is just not good enough at all if you compare it to other articles ...