Cyber Pegasus 100HF draft completed

I completed the Cyber Pegasus 100HF draft for the Beywiki. BTW, does anyone know the BB-# for this bey? Anyway, here it is:
Cyber Pegasus 100HF

Face: Pegasus

The face depicts Pegasus, one of 88 constellations in space. Hasbro released it in special bundle with the Metal Fusion Video Game and comes with a Metal Face Bolt.

Clear Wheel: Pegasus

Weight: 2.9 grams
The clear wheel is the same as Storm Pegasus, but it is transparent. The edges of the Clear Wheel are shaped in a wing like pattern, each ending in a pointed ‘head’ shape, representing the body form of Pegasus, the symbol its design is influenced by.

Metal Wheel: Cyber
Weight: 30.4 grams
The appearance is extremely similar to the original Pegasus wheel. Its 3 wing-like structure is good for Smash Attack. However, it is much to light for any attack power, and therefore the Pegasus wheel is much better. It should only be used for attack combinations, nothing else, but there are much better alternatives like Lightning, Vulcan, and other top-tier attack wheels. If you plan to use it, the paint will be scratched off, unlike its counterpart; Legend Cyber Pegasus 105F.

Use in Attack Combination:
Cyber Pegasus 100 RF

Track: 100
Weight: 1.0 grams
Being the third lowest spin track available, it may be outclassed, however still useful, being able to make good contact with opposing beys. While 85 and 90 might be better choices in terms of attack and stamina, however 100 has usually no problem with floor scrapes.

Use in Attack Combinations:
If 85 and 90 are not available, 100 can be put to good use in the combo MF Lightning L Drago 100LRF

Use in Stamina Combinations:
If 85 or 90 are not available, 100 can be put to use in the custom Earth Bull 100WD

Use in Defense Combination:
If 85 or 90 are not available, 100 can be put to use in the custom MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 100RS.

Bottom: Hole Flat
Weight: 0.5 grams
HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight Stamina improvement due to the hole in the middle of the tip. However, this comes with the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, as well as increased fragility.

Cyber Pegasus 100HF consists of some outclassed parts. While 100 is a great alternative to the 85 and 90 tracks, which are harder to obtain, it can be purchased in a much more useful Lightning L-Drago. Overall, there is little to no reason to purchase this beyblade, aside from collection purposes.

I am open to ALL suggestions, just not stupid ones. I used word document for this and will later improve it. Try to go easy on me, this is my first time doing anything useful here ;p
This is not really good enough. If you ask what its product code is, perhaps you should not be writing an article on it ...

Anyway, look at one of the already existing drafts for Cyber Pegasis. There is a new rule that also states that there should only be one topic for a Beyblade now, in order to work all on one draft and improve it.