The tittle says it all. I don't have D3,R3, W3, or any wave 6 or up switchstrike. Cho-Z and Turbo will be allowed, so here is the list.
TT Cho-Z: wV zA eF hS aH
Hasbro Turbo: V4, A4, L4(Luinor L4) P4, Cyclops, X4, gK4,and hK4.
Hitashi: hS 10G Et
Dt20000: sT 5G Ul
CheetoBlader: lS3 0B Br
ks123: P4 0B At
#Fafnir: bX4 1'H Rb
Suhasini:eF 7S Vl
Morc: aH G Op
bekfastblader:dC3 7F At-s
TT Cho-Z: wV zA eF hS aH
Hasbro Turbo: V4, A4, L4(Luinor L4) P4, Cyclops, X4, gK4,and hK4.
Hitashi: hS 10G Et
Dt20000: sT 5G Ul
CheetoBlader: lS3 0B Br
ks123: P4 0B At
#Fafnir: bX4 1'H Rb
Suhasini:eF 7S Vl
Morc: aH G Op
bekfastblader:dC3 7F At-s