Creepin':minecraft clan

if you play minecraft and and would rather play with other people and not have to do and kill every thing by yourself then join but you must have a creeper skin of some sort to join if you don't
have one you can get one at this site

[Image: img_coolcreeper.png]
my name is Joebuskus
I would join but there is no way I'm uploading a creeper skin
Well you can just wear a creeper mask but have you looked at the site yet
The third option in the poll is definitely inappropriate.

Also,can this not go in the general minecraft thread?
im not trying to start anything but...............
One there is a difference of something being inappropriate and someone not being mature enough to understand the joke
and two I didn't know there was one
(Jun. 16, 2012  2:40 AM)Fakir Wrote: im not trying to start anything but...............
One there is a difference of something being inappropriate and someone not being mature enough to understand the joke
and two I didn't know there was one

Last time I checked,sucking someone's balls to express your discontent with a thread was innapropriate.It may seem cool to use the phrase right now,but as you will learn when you get older,this is a phrase that should not be used carelessly.But obviously,you will not care right now anyways.

So,here is the MINECRAFT Thread:

But afterall,who am I to judge,thread reported to under-go proper moderation.