Counter Leone D125B Draft

Counter Leone D125B

Face: Leo
Weight: 3 grams

The Face on this Beyblade depicts Leo, the fifth astrological sign in the Zodiac. Its Zodiac symbol is the Lion.

Clear Wheel: Leone
Weight: 4 grams
The Leone Clear Wheel has a circular shape with meticolous ridge details. Its color is trasparent.

Metal Wheel: Counter

Counter metal wheel seems the HWS version of the Leone metal wheel.Counter has got six projections,three made by three claws and other three made by four claws.
Counter has got Smash Attack,but unlike Leone,it hasn't got a powerful recoil.
This is because of its projections that are smaller and rounder than its predecessor. The Counter's gaps between the six projections are too much large for a competitive Attack Customization. Due to its shape and light weight, Counter Wheel isn't competitive also in Defense Customization.

Use in Attack Customization:

If you don't have access to competitive MW,Counter can be used to some degree of effectiveness in Smash Attack customs such as MF Counter Aquario/Bull H145RF.

Track: Defense 125

Weight: 1.7 grams
Height: 125 millimetres

Defense 125 is a 125 track with a plastic ring around it.
This ring is used to increase weight and it should helps to absorb hits from enemies.
However, becouse of its immobility, when it comes in contact with enemies,it doesn't provide to help the Bey's rotations.
Finally, D125 is an outclassed track both for Stamina and Defense Customizations.

Use in Defense Customization:

If you don't have access to competitive Tracks, MF Earth Bull D125RS is a good choice for Defense Customization.

Bottom: Ball
Weight: 0.6 grams

B has the shape of a little half-sphere. B's shape provides to a few moviments and a good stability. Due to its qualities, this bottom can be choice for Defense Customizations.
However,B has been outclassed by WB (Wide Ball), WD (Wide Defense) and RS (Rubber Sharp).

Counter Leone D125B does have second-rate components;no one of them are absolutely necessary parts.
There is absolutely no competitive reason to purchase this Beyblade.
Hmmm... this is pretty poorly worded.
In regards to defence B has been outclassed by more things than WB.
You misspelt choice! after use in defence customization.
Galaxy is Italian, by the way.
(Dec. 08, 2010  1:32 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: Hmmm... this is pretty poorly worded.
Thanks for posting Daegor42,you've got PM Smile

(Dec. 08, 2010  1:37 AM)Robsta Wrote: In regards to defence B has been outclassed by more things than WB.
I know it Robsta. I've said that because my intent was to compare B with WB Smile

(Dec. 08, 2010  2:42 AM)omniblader12 Wrote: You misspelt choice! after use in defence customization.
Sorry,but i don't understand "misspelt"...a synonymous ?

(Dec. 08, 2010  2:49 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Galaxy is Italian, by the way.
Thanks Smile
(Dec. 08, 2010  2:50 AM)Galaxy Wrote:
(Dec. 08, 2010  2:42 AM)omniblader12 Wrote: You misspelt choice! after use in defence customization.
Sorry,but i don't understand "misspelt"...a synonymous ?

Wrong spelling.

This attempt is okay, considering you're Italian. However, with all due respect, I think it's best for the most fluent English speakers to write these articles. Many of the statements are true, yet it's not "formal" enough for it to be published.
Forget about the grammar, just stay on topic.
(Dec. 08, 2010  2:15 PM)OkiBlaze Wrote:
(Dec. 08, 2010  2:50 AM)Galaxy Wrote:
(Dec. 08, 2010  2:42 AM)omniblader12 Wrote: You misspelt choice! after use in defence customization.
Sorry,but i don't understand "misspelt"...a synonymous ?

Wrong spelling.

This attempt is okay, considering you're Italian. However, with all due respect, I think it's best for the most fluent English speakers to write these articles. Many of the statements are true, yet it's not "formal" enough for it to be published.

Sir,He Was On Topic.
i think u have to say that
b can be put into googd test in the combo burn bull 100 b
in the abscence of wd/sd/d
... could use a little more detail...
Edit with the permission of Galaxy. (Click to View)
Thanks for the improvements Smile
I'll add them to the first post Smile
(Dec. 08, 2010  1:22 AM)Galaxy Wrote: Track: Defense 125
Weight: 1.7 grams
Height: 125 millimetres

Defense 125 is a 125 track with a plastic ring around it.
This ring is used to increase weight and it should helps to absorb hits from enemies.
However, becouse of its immobility, when it comes in contact with enemies,it doesn't provide to help the Bey's rotations.
Finally, D125 is an outclassed track both for Stamina and Defense Customizations.

Use in Defense Customization:

If you don't have access to competitive Tracks, MF Earth Bull D125RS is a good choice for Defense Customization.

I will change this.

Defense 125 is a 125 track with a plastic ring around it.
This ring is used to increase weight and it should helps to absorb hits from enemies.
However, because of its immobility, when it comes in contact with enemies,it doesn't provide to help the Bey's rotations.
D125 is an outclassed track both for Stamina and Defense Customizations.
But D125 has some use in the attack combo, MF Gravity Perseus D125RF/R2F.

Use in Attack Customization:
D125 can be utilized in the combo MF Gravity Perseus D125RF/R2F.
That's not a defence custom, it's an attack one.
(Dec. 17, 2010  11:41 AM)Ultrablader Wrote: That's not a defence custom, it's an attack one.

Sorry, typo error. Fixed.
The LVJ, your version is great. There is a few modifications I want to make, but it is good to post for now. If someone could do that, I would appreciate it.
I'll write it in 24 H Wink
It's up.
Shouldn't the Leone Clear Wheel section be the same as the one in the Rock Leone article? And perhaps we should specify the difference in design of the Face?

Those are my suggestions, but it's good we have more the article up now.
Shouldn't it be noted that D125 has use in MF Graivty Perseus D125RF like we do in the other blades with D125 in them?
(Dec. 21, 2010  7:35 PM)Daegor42 Wrote: It's up.

Is the Leone wheel really 4 grams? Isnt that heavier than bull?
i really think this should have a bit more of a description for the clear wheel

mabye something like The regular release of Leone is a translucent, blue-green piece. In this release, however, it is clear. Leone is circular with small ridge details.there are two seperate ridges 3 square shaped ones and 3 which look like vents the energy ring has a similarites to the pre hws leo metal wheel since both include 2 seperate ridge section similare in shape leo is very sphereical and has a good amount of balance.

i never written anything fo beywiki so the above article may suck