
ok i dont know what to call the tite so this is about you bladers giving me combos to test and u can choose ur opponents and here they are
MF x2
Energy rings: Aquario x2 wolf saggitario gasher capricorn fireblaze pegasis pisces virgo aries bull scorpio eagle serpent
Fusion Wheels: Storm x3 Rock x3 Poison Earth x2 Evil Dark x2 Flame Burn Hyper
Tracks: 100 M145 105 x2 C145 DF145 x2 135 GB145 ED145 x2 H145 T125 145 SW145
Tips: HF/S ( only in S mode ) FS S WB Q MS RF BS WD x2 F B SD x2 JB
theres a new thing its called "Build Me A Combo" and "Beyblade Parts Testing Requests"
i dont remember u with a TT attack anyway so .... closing???