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This is my first story on the wbo.

Hi my name is Briel. I am a very strong blader. My beyblade is Green Libra 100WB (Green is like rock but bigger and green). I wear green jeans, green T-shirt, green jacket, green converse, and even green hair. Yes, I know Im obssesed with green. And finally MY SKIN IS GREEN. My skin turn green because one time I was training with Green Libra he caused a big explotion. That explotion turn me green and I will be green forever. Here is one of my adventures:

I was walking by the street when I saw something. It was a bey. It was all black with some type of electricity around him. The bey was very cold. I put it on my launcher and LET IT RIP. Then somthing srange happen. I was transported to a place I didnt know. TO BE CONTINUE

Is very short I know. I will make chapter 2 when I get some characters.
Beyblade: Knife Assassin K100 (knife) Coated Ball
nothing is known about this character
he has destroyed beys in the past
transports into a negative world... meets like evil bit beasts (whatever u call en now)
yeah lol
Off Topic King@ Can you be more descriptive on your character.
Here's my character Briel.I like the Chapter 1
Name:Reiki Hiwazara
Clothes:A gray t-shirt with the Aries symbol on it,A gray and white hoodie,black jeans with a chain,a belt that holds his launcher grip and bey,black hair,a WBBA cap,glasses,and white and black slip on shoes.
BeyEeearth Aries DF145WD
Special Move:Iron Ram Attack,the bey turns into solid steel and hits the opponent out of the stadium.
Name: Antonio Reyes
Beyblade: RF Rubber Rabbit R145 RHF/RS
Evil a 13 year old boy who doesn't know when to stop and most of the time breaks the persons bey a loner tends to sneak up on people
Wears black hoodie and blue jeans brown spiky hair
A beyblade commpletely made of rubber It is a great defense type seems like it has no flaws with metal coated in rubber as well. When beys hit it they just bounce off.
Special move:crazy hopper hops around the stadium at an extreme speed until the opponent cant see it then it hits the bey at full speed hitting it in the air and then hitting it continuasly in mid air

Chapter 2

-What just happen?- I said.
A guy with gray t-shirt with the Aries symbol on it, gray and white hoodie,black jeans with a chain,black hair,a WBBA cap appear in front of me.
-Who are you?
-My name is Reiki Hiwazara. And your name?
-My name is Briel.
-Why you have green skin?
-Because of this bey.- I show him Green Libra 100WB.
-You are a blader too!
I looked around an all i saw was garbage.
-What is this place?
-This is Garbage.
-I know that this is garbage.
-I mean this place is called Garbage. What are doing here?
-I dont know? I just launched a bey I found at the street and i was transported here.
-Wow. It sounds like you where the guy they choose.
-Come with me.

End of the second chapter
Well, i made one:
Name: Tsetsui Karagi
Bey: Death Escolpio 85S
Tsetsui description: Nobody know what he looks like, cause he cover up all of he's body, except his eyes. His eyes is brown. He is an egyptian. he is very strong.
Escolpio description: Death wheel is a thin sharp metal wheel with a lot of stamina and attack. It's a stamina type.
He's bey inject poisen and cut of parts of the other bey.
Special move: Death slash, Escolpio terror desert attack
when typing your story
plz have more detail
"What just happen?" doesn't even make sense
Thanks. I will try to do better next time.
i have a charecter
bey: wind bird W145 hs wind is a wheel like burn only tiny bumps on it Wing 145 hopping spike
clothes:sweat pants grey, jacket grey, shoes all white, white hair
attitude:nice but is super competitive
special move: bird air strike hopping spike bounces and lands on the opponintes metal wheel knocking it off balance
Sorry guys I run out of ideas. I will not make this story anymore. I will make another story and your characters will appear. Can a mod close this.
The other story will not be a normal beyblade story(You will see). The other story is a comedy so edit your character so it can be in it.
Please a mod close this.