CLOSED FOR NOW please lock until further notice

thank you i have no hard feelings, i just wanna continue to have my events and run them smoothly haha.
(Jul. 14, 2011  8:16 PM)ShortyVybe Wrote: thank you i have no hard feelings, i just wanna continue to have my events and run them smoothly haha.

And i hope they run smoothly. nice to see that argument is aside and done.
Is there an entry fee for the Bey Slay 3?
It's only $5, and there always has to be unless BeyDays.
That's Olympic park and that's what i pulled up
this is right. this is the schaumberg skatepark. go there lol
I wanna face the basalt king in the first round.
I hope its me vs you.
Intence rivalry rock Scorpio x vs basalt king !!!!
Ps we only need 2 people ppfhh
Slice of pie .......uhhhhhh I mean peace of cake ha ha yaa that's what i meant totally ya hi hi ah
Alrighty guys lets keep them sign ups coming. about to make this event official so keep the sign ups rolling.
Step.right up step right up sighn up for beyslay lll the ultimate windy city extravagansa it will be spectacular only five count'em five dollers so sighn up now
(Jul. 18, 2011  12:54 AM)Ethan37066 Wrote: Step.right up step right up sighn up for beyslay lll the ultimate windy city extravagansa it will be spectacular only five count'em five dollers so sighn up now

Lots of typo's in that. I think more people may sign up later.
I know there's miss spelled words its not an official document or anything its just a joke typed on my phone also people sighn up
What about N? Isnt he gonna sign up.
i would like to come
can none members come
non not none
yeah but they cant play in the tourny. all they have to do is sign up to play.
k just making sure