hey im new and i thought "hay whatt dozz itt tank fort meh 2 maak knew frendz? i no! a CHAT BOXX PLACE THINGY! but it nees a cacchyy namme... i NO! CHAT BOXX!!!!! its purrfekkt!"
so bacicly all u need 2 do is talk 2 each other.
if you havn't noticed i do know how to spell and have proper grammer and thoughts.
CuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteStupidCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCute find the odd one out
Chat boxes detract from actual forum posting activity, and encourage...

...well, this kind of thing.