Was going to post this after I've done a few things, But seeing as Moss has already posted...
Now you all are really exited about the meetup for the expo; Moss and I are aswell. We were really looking foward to organising the damn thing and it was gonna be fun meeting you all and battling some of you. Now I did PM ellz about this whether he was cool with the thing and all and he told me that he was working on a meetup aswell along with <3 and Rocky. Now that gave me some thought and I realised that I actually did say that if in the event that the meetup idea was to get some amount of people, I'd would back off the moment one of the higher-ups get involved. Seeing as that happened and that I wouldn't like to backtrack on anything I've ever said, Talking to Moss, we'd agreed on it:
We had to cancel our meetup
I know it's sad and all, but look on the bright side; Ellz is brilliant at this than we are and something as big as the Expo's probably something up his street, also there's still going to be a meetup; only with more people than we could ever get and not run by us. What I'm going to be doing right now is make sure that our meetup is removed from the Fringe Festival event timetable and probably other stuff as well. Sorry to tell you this anyway (and we doubt anything else should happen so that the meetup gets cancelled or anything. Not that I want that to happen, honest.) but when the page for the new meetup comes along, I'm sure that you'd be interested in that aswell. Though if he does get a word of this, Moss or I will explain ourselves and make sure there's no misunderstanding or whatever.
Now you all are really exited about the meetup for the expo; Moss and I are aswell. We were really looking foward to organising the damn thing and it was gonna be fun meeting you all and battling some of you. Now I did PM ellz about this whether he was cool with the thing and all and he told me that he was working on a meetup aswell along with <3 and Rocky. Now that gave me some thought and I realised that I actually did say that if in the event that the meetup idea was to get some amount of people, I'd would back off the moment one of the higher-ups get involved. Seeing as that happened and that I wouldn't like to backtrack on anything I've ever said, Talking to Moss, we'd agreed on it:
We had to cancel our meetup
I know it's sad and all, but look on the bright side; Ellz is brilliant at this than we are and something as big as the Expo's probably something up his street, also there's still going to be a meetup; only with more people than we could ever get and not run by us. What I'm going to be doing right now is make sure that our meetup is removed from the Fringe Festival event timetable and probably other stuff as well. Sorry to tell you this anyway (and we doubt anything else should happen so that the meetup gets cancelled or anything. Not that I want that to happen, honest.) but when the page for the new meetup comes along, I'm sure that you'd be interested in that aswell. Though if he does get a word of this, Moss or I will explain ourselves and make sure there's no misunderstanding or whatever.