Buying stuff

if anyone has any of the beys listed then pm me or post here about selling them.

nothing. someone delete this thread.
Please post pictures of the Beyblades with your username next to it.
How do you put pictures? Ive been trying to find out for a while.
(Mar. 14, 2012  5:36 PM)ampharos777 Wrote: How do you put pictures? Ive been trying to find out for a while.

Add them to a photo website like or Then get the .IMG code and paste it up here.
im not going to sell stuff anymore. im just going to buy stuff
op updated got death put on ultamite dx and launcher grip
op updated i want BD145
Do not bump within 48 hours of your last post.
oh oops,didnt know that.
What do you have for trade?

If you are trading, please post pictures of your current inventory, with your username next to it.
well, i dont have a site to upload the pictures to so i cant show pictures
Use Picasa, Photobucket, or any other image-hosting website? I like Picasa, it's much better than Photobucket.
i know i dont have an account on any of those.
Create one? Really, do not be so lazy. It takes only about a minute or so ..
ok, i thought it took a lot longer so ill make one.
i got the pictures but theryre not uploaded because i cant find the wire.
i got the pictures

EDIT: whatever i dont have good peices anyway ill just buy stuff.

i have everything now because i bought some of the last stuff on ebay.

how can i delete this thread?
(May. 18, 2012  5:47 PM)Mister Axolotl Wrote: Bump

i have everything now because i bought some of the last stuff on ebay.

how can i delete this thread?

PM a committee member, or just report your post saying you want it closed.

I'll just report it.