[Buying]  Sell me Pegasis, Dragooon, and Girago!(and other stuff)

I'm currently looking to finish off my Zero-G collection, as well as getting a couple Plastic/HMS things.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Berzerker Begirados SR200 BWD(Top priority)
Plastic: Wide Survivor- Any Condition- $20
Dragoon S- Anime Ver. Only- Base must be in mint or near mint condition- $15-20

Note: At certain times I may not be able to but certain things. I live in the US.
I got what I wanted everyone- for now, I will be posting no new updates to this thread.
Bump! I really need Dragoon Grip Attacker. Reasonable prices only!

Note: I can't pay for about 12 days, but let me know if you see one for sale or are selling one yourself!
I don't know if he wants to... but OkinawamTS sometimes has dragoon grip attacker, you should pm him for that maybe has one left behind
Bump! I really want to complete my Zero-G collection, so I've updated the OP.
I have a Bahamdia, Dragooon, Phoenic, and Girago. PM me if you want, I might not sell them...
Bump! Updated!
I have a Pegasis Chrome Wheel... it has been used a lot... is that OK for you... and what would you trade for it?
Bump. Updated the OP.
Updated the OP once again. I probably won't be able to buy much for a little bit ad I spent $10 on Sunday and $10 every day, and if I keep doing that I'll be broke real fast lol.

PM me if you have anything on here, though.
Bump! I really need a cheap Bandid Genbull! No brown F230s, please!
Updated. Really looking to finish Zero-G, since I've almost finished the whole generation.
I have a dragoon ms, wolborg s, and dems if you are interested
(Sep. 09, 2013  10:34 PM)sdf91 Wrote: I have a dragoon ms, wolborg s, and dems if you are interested

Eh, not really interested in HMS right now. Thanks for the offer though.

Anyways, large update! Reaaaally want to finish off ZG.