[Buying]  Need Black Dranzer

I am searching for a black dranzer, i really love all dranzers and i have all of them, the only one that is missing is Black Dranzer, and cant find it on ebay, if anyone knows where i can buy a Black Dranzer please tell me
Currently beys:
Dranzer S (the oldest in my collection, very very old)
Dranzer F
Dranzer V
Dranzer V2
Dranzer G
Dranzer GT
Dranzer HMS
Master Dranzer
Ultimate Frostic Dranzer
Wolborg 2 (my best bey)
Kid Dragoon
Rock Leone
Flame Bull
i had a Dragoon S but i lost it
You will have to keep looking in lots on ebay for one,that is how i bought minejust look at every picture closely.Sometimes you find some real good beys.If i ever get another i will sell or trade it to you.
nice dranzers unfortunately i don't have any and black dranzer is expensive on ebay. sorry T_T
(off topic so don't reply to me)
black dranzer is really difficoult to find. i've brought it on those days but it is really expensive... is really hard to find, good luck guy.
if u wanna find them on ebay i search suggest beyblade lot . hope it helps
i have one that i'm going to sell anyways if your interested no box for it but it's never even been spun pm if your interested
thanks everyone, i already have it.It cost me 129.99$ it was very expensive.... came in the box and it had a Black Dranzer bit chip......i heard rumors that it will come with a red dranzer bit chip. but this came whith Black one.

Thanks everyone for the advices.... i bought it on this link: http://www.amazon.com/Beyblade-VFORCE-BB...pd_sbs_t_1.

It is real not FAKE!!!Wink