[Buying]  Looking to trade for HMS - Quick' / Xtreme' / Beylogger + More!

I'm just looking to see what people may have when it comes to HMS Beyblades. I have a good amount of stuff already but I could certainly use more. I'd prefer to trade what I have.
[Image: IMG-0184.jpg]

Beylogger - Works perfectly
Bump (Orange) - Never Used
Glaive (Golden) - Used
Expand (Black) - Never Used
Expand (Yellow) - Never Used
7 (Painted Red) - Used
Convert - Used
Cosmos (Orange) - Never Used
Red Power Trigger - Never Used
Red Handle with Red Power Trigger - Used
Violet Grips - Used
Friction (Green) - Never Used
Evolution' - Used
Quick' (Green) - Used about 10 games
Quick' (Blue) - Shot 3 times just to watch it spin
Xtreme' - Shot 3 times just to watch it spin

Everything here is in good condition except the Convert, which shows a fair amount of wear. It's not bad, but it's noticeable.
Uhhh let me know on discord about the trade ...