May be updated later.
[Buying] Looking to buy / trade! Beylogger, Xtreme', and more up for grabs!
Added stuff I'm looking for, Burst stuff.
how much is lord lognios, outer, bullet rip cord launcher
I'm selling a white Thunder Serpent:
I know you said you were looking to trade, but just wanted to throw it out there for ya.
I know you said you were looking to trade, but just wanted to throw it out there for ya.
(Jul. 26, 2020 8:12 PM)Toxif Wrote: I'm selling a white Thunder Serpent:
I know you said you were looking to trade, but just wanted to throw it out there for ya.
That's a pretty decent price, but I'm saving my money for the upcoming Burst sets and NECA figures.
All good, just wanted to let you know about it, will be there if you decide you'd like to go for it
I'm still in search of stuff, let me know if you have something
Updated! Added a bunch of stuff and added a few more on my want-list. There's a Gold Turbo Cosmo in there now.
Added some stuff that I'm in search of.
Just want to put it out there that I am now looking to buy as well, particularly the Plastic gen parts such as a Blue Rushing Boar and the Red Driger V2. If you have anything and want to sell or trade, let me know!
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