[Buying]  Looking for BB-10 Attack Stadium, Any version

Hi all, long time reader first time posting.

I'm looking for the BB-10 Attack Stadium.

Looking for any version and in perfect condition (i.e. no tears).

If anyone can offer a deal (to the UK), share a link to a good deal, or even post useful information I would be very grateful.

BB-10's are EXTREMELY expensive right now. Used ones go for about $50USD, and new ones circle around $95.

I just went through this predicament, so I settled for this stadium, which plays identically to the BB-10

If that's too weird, this is also a legal stadium.

Best of luck if you are dead set on the BB-10
Thank you so much LeonTempest!

So they Super Control stadium plays identically? I understand that the main reason the BB-10 stadium works is due to both the inner and outer ridges in the stadium floor, is this the same on the Super Control stadium?

I was considering opting for the standard stadium instead due to cost, any opinions?

Again, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Yes, the Super Control Stadium is legal for battle; has mostly the same things as the BB-10 except the 2 pockets, but still legal Smile I think that's your best choice.

Found an offer for the set containing 2 Rev-up launchers and BB10 Pegasis stadium (blue) for £57 via yahoo.fr.

Waiting for it in the post, fingers crossed it wasn't a bad deal.