[Buying]  Looking For Gravity Perseus

This is for gravity perseus. If you will sell gravity perseus here, please make sure that they are in a new condition, and come with respective launcher and ripcord.
Lol just sayin the launcher id Beylauncher L/R....not a Light launcher and cord....
I meant the type of launcher that it would come in if it were brand new.
Yeah a string launcher...you actually get Beylauncher L/R
I have a gravity perseus, just without the beylauncher LR. I know you said you're interested in it with the launcher etc.
But if you're interested in the beyblade itself, PM me :)
if you are interested to get a brand new one

I can get it for you
1,600 yen + shipping fee

Shipping fee: (to US) for other country contact me
EMS: 1,600 yen
SAL registered - 1,000 yen
SAL small packet - 500 yen
(Jan. 17, 2011  10:17 PM)rock L-drago Wrote: This is for gravity perseus. If you will sell gravity perseus here, please make sure that they are in a new condition, and come with respective launcher and ripcord.

Just buy from


he will give you the best rates
AkirasDaddy is significantly cheaper...
Dimsum2u has lowered the prices he may have forgotten to update it , the once 22 GBP Ray unicorno is now for the standard rate of $17 , same goes for other beys

both AkiraDaddy & Dimsum2u are great sellers & it will all go down who gives you less shipping price