[Buying]  Buying plastics and HMS

I found a random booster, maybe you can get the white dragoon


Here is Dark Effigy (Hasbro)

Enjoy :-)

Here is the first link again: http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?...0809774473

Good luck with getting your white dragoon ;-)
Not sure if these are on your list but they might be -

and remember to scrolll down in this one -

Bump! Has anyone a Dranzer GT for sale?
Bump. Updated wish list.
Another name for Ocean Wrath G is Poseidon Wink Just so people don't get confused.
(May. 27, 2014  3:03 PM)xShArKDiVeRx Wrote: Another name for Ocean Wrath G is Poseidon Wink Just so people don't get confused.

Yeah, but it's the Hasbro version. I probably should add that to the OP... Thank you! Smile
It´s been a while, but here we go:

B.U.M.P.! Cute

Updated OP.